Black Veganism
Thursday 21st Jan, 2021

This virtual workshop explores veganism from a historical perspective while asking is veganism practiced in Black culture globally? We will discuss the historical & sociocultural factors that have impacted African American cuisine throughout history and critically analyze why the vegan lifestyle has been depicted as only for the white middle class.
what you'll learn:
- the definition of veganism and vegetarianism
- examples of veganism in Black cultures around the world
- how to recognize common myths associated with Black veganism
- some of the historical narratives that have shaped African American cuisine over the ages.
- Tickets are $30 per person
- Scholarships are available for anyone that needs one, no questions asked-email
This class is appropriate for ages 18+
This class will take place online through Zoom. Class access links will be received after online registration. If you do not receive your link, please check your spam or email
what to expect:
- highly interactive virtual format
- whole group discussions guided by intentional prompts
- break out sessions
- classroom style Q&A
- we recommended to use your video during class
- come to class prepared to participate, engage, and discuss
- ASL interpreting and captioning is provided for all classes
this class is facilitated by Calvin Eaton, Founding Director of 540WMain Inc, a virtual non-profit and community-based hub for accessible education and events that promote justice for all. 540WMain encourages individuals to broaden their horizons and learn more about multidisciplinary issues and topics that impact the world.
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