Exploring The Medicine Wheel 101
Sunday 28th Apr, 2019

The Circle of Life (Medicine Wheel) in Native American traditions symbolizes our connection to all aspects of the natural world. Like traveling a labyrinth, walking the circle also allows us to honor and cherish all aspects of our lives. Whether you are looking to unwind, de-stress and decompress, connect with the medicine of the land or create a unique healing center in your garden, this interactive workshop is for you! Heal Your Life Coach Rhonda Bartholomew is pleased to facilitate this afternoon retreat away from your "mundane" to discover how nature's embrace draws out your inner power and purpose and provides clarity in your relationships. Experience various exercises to connect with your spirit, including how to create your own medicine wheel to draw healing from natures elements. Your $33 investment includes all refreshments and educational materials to bring nature's healing to your home. Please wear comfortable clothing and footwear as this 3-hour workshop will be spent both inside and outdoors-weather permitting. Lets enjoy this afternoon and journey the circle together!
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