Healthy Cooking Series
Thursday 13th Oct, 2016
Start your journey to healthy living with the workshop and healthy cooking class series.
For all cooking classes you will prepare and sample three dishes using in-season produce.
October 13: Plant-Based Nutrition and The Prevention of Disease Talk-Free & Open to Public. RSVP required
Cooking Classes:
November 3: Cooking the Harvest-Prepare in-season soups, salads, and healthy desserts
December 1: Healthy Holiday Ideas: Beat the sugar and processed foods, and bring healthy, vibrant dishes to the holiday party!
January 5: Reboot with Winter Veggies-it’s time to leave behind overindulgence and get back on track with in-season veggies.
Payments can be made by check to Garden Fresh Foodie 5462 Sheridan Drive Williamsville, NY 14221. On-line payments have a $1 convenience fee. Register for 1, 2, 3, or all 4 of the programs.
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