Intro to Sufism-Mysticism
Monday 23rd Jan, 2017
Please join the Unitarian Universalist Church for a fascinating class on a mystical dimension of Islam, taught by Dr. Yunus Kumek, Coordinator of Religious Studies at SUNY Buffalo State. This class will run 8 weeks, beginning Monday, January 23.
A session of this class will also run on Sundays, beginning January 22, from 12 pm to 1:15 pm. You may register for either session. Be sure to specify which session you are choosing.
Suggested Donation: $30
To register, please fill out the form at the following link:
Or you can register in person at the Religious Education table in the Parish Hall on Sunday mornings.
*Registration deadline: January 15
*About the instructor: Yunus Kumek earned a master’s degree in biophysics and a P.h.D. with a dissertation concentration in social anthropology at the University of Buffalo. He has been teaching undergraduate and graduate courses on religious studies, mysticism, Sufism and Islam.
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