Silly Tales with Dr. Seuss Summer Camp
Monday 29th Jun, 2015 → Friday 3rd Jul, 2015

Stutelage Innovations
6725 Transit Road East Amherst, NY THIS EVENT HAS PASSEDSilly Tales with Dr. Seuss Summer Camp
June 29th - July 3rd
9:00am - 12:00pm
Colleen McNamara
Preschool & Elementary
$30/Daily Drop-In
Oh, The Places You’ll Go during this fun-filled week of Dr. Seuss! With crafts, activities and games galore, this camp is sure to be a week that your child will remember. Get ready for edible Cat in the Hat hats, foot print pictures, and much more! Taught by a certified literacy specialist, instruction will focus on decoding, fluency, and comprehension. Campers will gain sight word knowledge through engaging word work activities. Our silly Seuss activities will instill a love of rhyming and silly stories in our campers of all ages!
ELA: Read The Cat in the Hat
Cooperative Learning: Cat in the Hat Scavenger Hunt
Art: Cat in the Hat Paper Plate Craft
ELA: Word Work & Sight Word Activity- Short /ă/ Sound
Math & Culinary Arts: Edible Hat Counting Activity
Science: Cat Body Part Lesson
Art: Design a New Hat for the Cat in the Hat
ELA: Adjective Lesson & Writing Workshop- Describe Your New Hat Style
Art: Design Your Own Crazy Socks
ELA: Compare and Contrast Lesson Using Sock Designs
ELA: Read Fox In Socks
Art: Handprint Art Project
Cooperative Learning & ELA: Rhyming Game
ELA: Word Work & Sight Word Activity- Short /ŏ/ Sound
Art: Create Fox Puppets
ELA: Read Ten Apples Up on Top
Math: Counting Activity - How Many Apples Up On Top?
Physical Fitness: Balancing Challenges
ELA: Word Work & Sight Word Activity- Short /ĕ/ Sound
Art: Tissue Paper Apple Craft
Math: Symmetry Lesson
Art: Self-Portrait Apple Print Paintings
ELA: Read The Foot Book
Art: Flip Flop Puppets
Science: Who Does This Foot Belong To?
Art: Handprint Foot Crafts
Math: Counting By Fives- Repeated Addition and Multiplication Lesson
Cooperative Learning & Art: Foot Painting Mural
ELA: Word Work & Sight Word Activity- Short /ĭ/ Sound
ELA: Read Green Eggs and Ham
Cooperative Learning: Pin the Eggs on the Plate
Math: Roll-a-Die Egg Addition Game
Culinary Arts: Make Green Eggs Cookies
Cooperative Learning: Green Eggs and Ham Sandwich Building Race
Math: Graphing Likes and Dislikes
ELA: Initial Consonant Easter Egg Matching Game
ELA: Word Work & Sight Word Activity- Short /ŭ/ Sound