Watercolor II- Beginner Techniques Online
Tuesday 27th Oct, 2020 → Tuesday 17th Nov, 2020 Days: Tue

General Public - $78 per series
Members - $70.20
Learn the basics of how to paint with watercolors. As you advance through this creative and exciting series - watch your painting skills grow! Begin to strengthen your skills in composition and color theory and learn how to approach different subject matter successfully. This class is suitable for beginners 16 and older with little to no experience with watercolor painting. Taking Watercolor I - Foundations is recommended but it is not required. Two-hour classes taught by Judith Kosinski. In order to maintain the safest environment possible, classes will be offered via Zoom Meeting, a free online audio-visual platform.
All adult classes and workshops are recorded and are available for one week after the class. Therefore, if you miss a class, you will have one week to catch up on the class at your convenience. Review our class information and procedures for more information.
JUST ADDED! October 27, November 3, 10, 17